vWork’s Consolidated Invoicing feature simplifies the billing process for both you and your customers when you do many jobs for a single customer. Instead of sending separate invoices for each completed job, consolidated invoicing allows you to combine these invoices into a single, comprehensive invoice in MYOB AccountRight. Each vWork job is identified on the consolidated invoice by the information in the invoice Description saved with the vWork job.
Consolidated Invoicing is an optional feature with vWork’s MYOB AccountRight integration. If you want to find out more about Consolidated Invoicing or add it to your vWork account, please email support@vworkapp.com.
🔔 Note: At this time (December 2023) Consolidated Invoicing is available to use with MYOB AccountRight only. If you require this feature to work with one of our other integrations, please let us know at support@vworkapp.com.
In this article
This article discusses what we recommend you include in the invoice Description in your job templates when jobs based on the template will be included in consolidated invoices.
Topics include:
- How the invoice Description is used in a consolidated invoice
- Recommended Invoice Description tokens
- Other useful Invoice description tokens
- Related articles
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How the invoice Description is used in a consolidated invoice
Each line item in a consolidated invoice represents a single job in vWork. The information contained in the line item is sourced from the invoice ‘Description’ in the Invoicing tab in the vWork job to the consolidated invoice.
This is an example of the invoice ‘Description’ included in a job template for transporting organic unbagged landscaping materials.
This is the same template used for a completed job. You can see how informative the invoice Description is in this completed job.
All the information in this ‘Description’ will show on the corresponding line item in the consolidated invoice. We do not directly copy across the line item descriptions to the consolidated invoice but we do replicate this information in the consolidated invoice.
In order to match the consolidated invoice to the line item we recommend that you use ‘Description Tokens’ to provide useful information in the consolidated invoice line-item for each job.
Recommended Invoice Description tokens
As a minimum we recommend you include these two ‘Description Tokens’ in your job template:
- Job ID - this will easily identify the specific vWork job so your customer and you will know exactly which job each line item, in the consolidated invoice, represents.
- Job Completed Date - this makes it easy to know when the job was actually undertaken. It helps track the job back to a specific calendar date.
Other useful ‘Description Tokens’
You might also consider including:
- Template Name - Depending on what your template is called, this can be quite descriptive for the customer and help them understand what the type of job was.
In the example given above, the template is called ‘Organic material delivery’. This tells the customer the line item is for the delivery of organic materials. Further details about the delivery are contained in other ‘Description Tokens’ that we have included in this ‘Description’’. - Worker Name - You may want to include the worker name if the worker is a contractor or has specialized skills relevant to the job.
- Step Address - The step address that represents where the job was completed (for a delivery) or undertaken (for a service) is often helpful information for your customer.
In this example, we have included the Step Address for the Delivery step, {{Step: Delivery}}. When read with the other ‘Custom Field Description Tokens’ used in this example the customer knows where the delivery was received and what was delivered. - Custom Field - You may include a custom field that gives more information about the nature of the individual line items in the vWork job. In this example, we have included two custom fields, one describes what is being delivered, {{Custom Field:Organic material}} in this case WAP 7 Path Gravel, and the other provides how much of it was delivered, {{Custom Field: Load - cubic meters}},4 cubic meters.
Another example where a Custom Field could be helpful is when you are delivering something, like beds to 10 different people, for a furniture company customer of yours. In this example, you may have a custom field for the order number generated by the furniture company for each of their customers. This helps them reconcile your consolidated invoice with their customer orders for each bed purchased.
Related Articles
- What is Consolidated Invoicing
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This article explains the steps to generate consolidated invoices from completing a job to reviewing the consolidated invoice in your vWork integrated finance application