Affiliate Accounts is an optional feature in vWork that enables you to share jobs between vWork accounts. You can learn more about this feature in the article, Use Affiliate Accounts to manage subcontracted work through vWork.
Once you have established an Affiliate Accounts relationship link with another vWork account, you can begin sharing jobs with that account.
As the subcontractor in the affiliate account relationship, you accept jobs from a Sending Affiliate and complete the steps in that job on their behalf.
- The source account that sends the job to you can see your affiliate account details as a Receiving Affiliate in their vWork Affiliate settings.
- You can see the source affiliate account in your vWork Affiliate settings as a Sending Affiliate.
- Your vWork account can have relationships with other vWork accounts as both a Sending Affiliate and a Receiving Affiliate.
Any dispatcher with the Jobs or Schedule web app user permissions set to Full can accept jobs from a Sending Affiliate and these to your mobile workers to be completed.
In this article
This article explains how a subcontractor accepts a job from a Sending Affiliate and completes the job in vWork. If you want to find out how to send jobs to a subcontractor so they can complete the job on your behalf, please read the article, Create and manage an Affiliate Accounts job as the source account.
The topics covered in this article include:
- Accept an invite as a subcontractor to complete a job
- Monitor a job that is subcontracted to you
- What happens next after a job is completed by you as the subcontractor?
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Accept an invite as a subcontractor to complete a job
A job can be completed by one or several contractors when you use Affiliate Accounts. In this topic, we use the example of a single subcontractor. See the article, Create and manage an Affiliate Accounts job as the source account, for more information about including multiple subcontractors to complete a job.
To demonstrate how to complete a job as an affiliated subcontractor we have created an Affiliate Accounts relationship between Orange Gecko, the Sending Affiliate that creates jobs, and Indigo Inc. the subcontractor, who completes the jobs for Orange Gecko. The examples show affiliate jobs in Indigo Inc’s vWork account.
You can learn how to set up Affiliate Account relationships in the article, Set up an Affiliate Account relationship in your vWork account.
Note: As an affiliate subcontracted to complete a job you don’t need the job template used to create the job shared with your account. The job template is only needed by the Sending Affiliate in their source account to create the job.
Identify a new subcontracted job in your vWork account
When a job is sent to you by an affiliate for you to complete, you will see a new job with the Status of Affiliate Pending. It shows:
- in the Jobs tab in the Jobs list,
- in the Jobs tab in the Affiliate Jobs table, and
- on the Schedule.
In this example, a new job has been shared with Indigo Inc. This is what it looks like in Indigo Inc’s Jobs list. No worker is assigned to the job at this stage. If the job had been created with a start time this would also show in the Start At information. This job has no scheduled start time and Indigo Inc has user permissions enabled to alter the start time for jobs shared with them.
Accept an invite to complete a subcontracted job
You accept subcontracted jobs shared with you by the Sending Affiliate in the Job Editor for the job.
To accept an affiliated job:
- Open the Job Editor for the job. To do this:
- Click the Job ID to open the job in the Jobs list or Affiliate Jobs table, or
- Double-click the job in the Schedule.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Job Editor for the job and click .
Note: You must accept a job before you can assign the job to a worker. - Once you accept the job, a banner displays at the top of the Job Editor to advise that the job is accepted.
- If you know the worker you want to assign the job to you have the option to do that now.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click if you haven’t assigned a worker or if you have assigned the job to a worker.
In this example, we haven’t assigned the job so we selected to save the job.
Monitor a job that is subcontracted to you
After a subcontracted job is accepted, the job shows its current Status in your account. The Sending Affiliate will also see the same current job Status for the job in their account.
Monitor a job through the Jobs tab
The Jobs tab shows the affiliate job on both the Jobs list and the Affiliate Jobs table.
In the Jobs list, the affiliate job will look much the same as any other job that you are working on. If you want to see more information about the affiliate relationship for the job you can view the job in the Affiliate Jobs table.
To open the Affiliate Jobs table:
- Go to Jobs > Affiliate Jobs. This shows a table with all Affiliate Jobs that you are involved with.
- The Worker column shows your vWork account name as the subcontractor for the affiliate job. When a worker is assigned their name also shows next to the subcontractor’s account name.
- The current status of the job shows in the Status column.
- Jobs that you are subcontracted to complete show the Sending Affiliate’s name in the Created by column.
- The Worker column shows your vWork account name as the subcontractor for the affiliate job. When a worker is assigned their name also shows next to the subcontractor’s account name.
In this example, Indigo Inc has started one affiliated job for Orange Gecko and the job that we accepted earlier in this article shows as unassigned.
Monitor a job through the Schedule
On the Schedule, affiliate jobs that you are subcontracted to complete look like any other job except that they display this icon next to the job’s Status.
In this example, Indigo Inc has one unassigned affiliate job, two affiliate jobs that are started, and one that is completed.
What happens next after a job is completed by you as the subcontractor?
When a subcontracted job is completed by you as the subcontractor, the job:
- Shows as completed in your vWork account.
- Shows as completed in the Source account.
- As the subcontractor, changes that you make to the Job Information and Invoicing tabs won’t save after the final step is completed. Changes you make to custom fields save with the job and are passed through to the Sending Affiliate.