The Repeating Jobs feature enables dispatchers to automate the process of creating and scheduling jobs that recur on a regular cycle. This feature saves time, helps reduce the workload for dispatchers, and makes sure jobs that must be regularly scheduled aren’t forgotten.
This article focuses on the optional Repeating Jobs v2 (with Assets) feature. You can read about the differences between the default Repeating Jobs v1 and the optional Repeating Jobs v2 in the article, What are Repeating Jobs?
If you need further information about Repeating Jobs v2 and Assets, or want to add these optional features to your account, please email We’ll be in touch to talk through your requirements.
In this article
This article explains how to prepare your vWork account before you begin setting up a repeating job using the optional Repeating Jobs v2 and Assets features.
The topics include:
- What to do before setting up a repeating job using Repeating Jobs v2
- Enable Repeating Jobs in the vWork settings
- Enable Repeating Jobs web app permissions for dispatchers
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What to do before setting up a repeating job using Repeating Jobs v2
There are a few things you must have in place in your vWork account before you create a repeating job using Repeating Jobs v2.
Make sure you have:
- Added the optional Repeating Jobs v2 and optional Assets features to your vWork account. You can email to arrange this.
- Enabled Repeating Jobs in the vWork settings. This is explained in more detail below.
- Enabled the Repeating Jobs and Assets user permissions for your dispatchers. This is explained in more detail below.
- Created the job template you want to use for the repeating job schedule.
See the article Create a job template for more information. - Added the Assets that you will use in the repeating job.
See the article Set up assets in vWork for more information.
Enable Repeating Jobs in the vWork settings
To use either version of Repeating Jobs you must first enable Repeating Jobs in your vWork account settings.
To enable Repeating Jobs:
- Go to Settings > General.
- Scroll to the Repeating Jobs section.
- Check the checkbox next to Enabled? This will allow you to set up and create Repeating Jobs in your account.
- Click to save the change to the vWork settings.
Enable Repeating Jobs web app permissions for dispatchers
In order to use the Repeating Jobs v2 feature, make sure your dispatchers have the Repeating Jobs user permission and the Assets user permission both set to Full. This is done in the Web App Permissions section in each dispatcher's user profile.
To enable the Repeating Job and Assets user permissions for a dispatcher:
- Go to Settings > Users > Users and select the dispatcher you want to add the user permissions to.
- Scroll to the Web App Permissions and make sure Rep. Jobs and Assets are both set to Full.
- Click to save the changes to the User Permissions.