vWork offers an optional invoicing feature known as FAF (Fuel Adjustment Factor). FAF is a percentage-based surcharge that is added to transportation line items in an invoice. The FAF feature in vWork makes it simple and easy for you to manage changes in fuel prices and reflect these variations in transportation line items in your customers’ invoices.
We explain vWork’s optional FAF feature in the article, What is the Fuel Adjustment Factor?
Every customer is unique. in vWork you can create create tailored FAF rates for selected customers that automatically override the default FAF rate. Use customer-specific rates to meet the unique requirements of different customers, such as your high-value customers and very loyal customers. You can also set a 0% FAF rate for selected customers, to completely exempt them from FAF charges.
In this article
This article explains how to create and manage customer-specific FAF rates.
Topics include:
- How customer-specific FAF rates work
- Add new customer-specific FAF rates
- Assign customers to a customer-specific FAF rate
- Prevent FAF from being applied to selected customers
- Related articles
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How customer-specific FAF rates work
Before you can assign a customer-specific FAF rate to customers you must create the rate as a percent. Once created you can assign selected customers to the FAF rate. We explain how to set the customer-specific FAF rate and add customers in the next topics.
You can have as many customers as you want assigned to any given customer-specific FAF rate, but each customer can only be assigned to one rate. This rate overrides the default FAF rate percentage in a job invoice for the selected customers. Customers who are not assigned to a customer-specific rate always have the default rate applied to them.
When a customer is removed from a customer-specific FAF rate the standard FAF default rate is used for that customer and applied to their job invoices.
A word about changing the rate associated with a customer
When you make changes to customer-specific FAF rates, such as removing a customer, adjusting a customer-specific FAF rate assigned to one or more customers, or moving a customer to a different group with a different rate, the new rate is applied to all open jobs for that customer.
🔔 Note: An open job is any job that has been created but is not canceled or completed. If you have the 'Approve Invoice' feature enabled in your account, invoices for jobs that have been approved won't change.
Add new customer-specific FAF rates
The first step to assigning a customer a customer-specific FAF rate is to create the rate. Once created you can assign customers to the rate. This is done in the FAF Finance settings.
💡 Tip: You must create the FAF rate before you can assign customers to it. You can't assign customers at the same time you create the rate. This means you must click 'Create' to save the rate before adding customers.
To create a new customer-specific FAF rate:
- Go to Settings > Finance> FAF
- Click
to open the page where you add new rates and assign customers to these.
- Under the ‘Add FAF Rate’ heading click in the FAF Rate field and enter a percent value.
- Optionally, click in the Description field and add a description that helps you identify the types of customers this rate is used for.
- Click
to save the new rate and exit the screen.
💡 Tip: After you have created the FAF rate you can re-open the screen to assign customers to the FAF rate. - Once created, you are returned to the FAF Finance settings. You’ll see confirmation that the rate was created and also see the new rate in a rates table at the bottom of the page.
- At this stage, you can continue adding FAF rates and assigning customers to the added FAF rates, or click
to save the FAF Finance settings. If you choose to save you can come back later to set up other FAF Rates and assign customers to these. You must click
before leaving the FAF Finance settings to save the FAF rates you have added.
We explain how to assign customers to a FAF Rate in the next topic.
Assign customers to a customer-specific FAF rate
Once you have added a customer-specific FAF rate you can assign customers to the rate to use when applying FAF to their invoice line items.
💡 Tip: You must create the FAF rate before you can assign customers to it. You can't assign customers at the same time you create the rate. The topic above explains how to create the FAF rate.
To assign customers to a FAF rate:
- Go to Settings > Finance> FAF to open the FAF settings.
- Click the rate to select the FAF rate you want to assign your customers to. This opens the page for the selected rate.
In this example, we want to assign customers to the 10% rate. - Once on the Edit FAF Rate page, Click Customer Name and start typing the name of your customer to search for them. A list of customers that match what you have typed displays.
- Click the customer that you want to add to the FAF rate to select them.
- Click
to assign the customer to the FAF rate.
- The customer is added to the rate. You can follow the steps 3 and 4 above to add more customers as needed. Customers are listed under the rate in the order that you add them.
- Click
to save the newly added customers to the rate.
In this example, we have added two customers to the 10% FAF rate. - After you have updated the page, you are returned to the main FAF settings page. You’ll see confirmation that the FAF rate was updated with the new customer information and also see the customers listed next to the rate in the rates table.
- At this stage you can continue configuring the customer-specific FAF rates, or click
to save the FAF Finance settings and return later to continuing adding customer-specific rates and assigning customers to these as needed.
Prevent FAF from being applied to selected customers
You may have some customers that you never want to charge FAF. We cater to these customers with a 0% FAF rate.
When a customer is added to the 0% FAF rate, the FAF percentage never shows or applies to their invoices and they will never be charged FAF.
To set up a customer with a 0% FAF rate:
- Follow the steps in the topic ‘Add new customer-specific FAF rates’ above and set the FAF rate to 0%.
- Follow the steps in the topic ‘Assign customers to a customer-specific FAF rate’ above to add selected customers to the 0% FAF rate.
Related articles
- To learn more about what FAF is in vWork and how your business can benefit from it please, read the article, What is the Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF)?
- To learn how to enable FAF and set the FAF rate percentage to apply to automatically generated time and distance line items for completed jobs, please read the article, Enable FAF and configure FAF settings.
- To learn how to change the customer-specific rate assigned to a group of selected customers, restore the default rate for a customer, or delete a customer-specific rate, please see the article Change customer-specific FAF rates .
- To learn how to update a Pricebook so that selected line items automatically apply FAF when added to an invoice, please read the article, Enable FAF for line items in a pricebook.
- To learn how to add FAF to line items in a job or job template and see how we calculate and apply FAF to an invoice please read the article, Apply FAF to invoice line items.
- To learn how FAF shows and can be edited for line-items in the vWork mobile app, please read the article, Edit invoices with FAF line-items using the vWork mobile app.
- To learn how FAF applies to automatically generated time and distance line items, please read the article FAF and automatically calculated time and distance line items.