For some jobs it is important to capture proof of delivery and proof of condition at a known point in time. In the vWork mobile app a captured customer's signature and a photo can be used as proof of delivery and proof of condition. You may also need to add a saved image or PDF file to a job. When captured these are saved with the job and can be used for reports and job audits.
There are two methods to capture customer signatures and photos in the vWork mobile app when completing a job. They can be captured:
- with job fields in the Fields screen,
- with the 'Sign & Photo' tool on the Details screen.
The method that you use depends on the workflow used in your organization.
Using the 'Sign & Photo' tool doesn't require switching to another screen in the mobile app and is useful when you want to keep jobs really simple and aren't using job fields. When using 'Sign & Photo' you aren't 'required' to capture this information to complete a job. But if this is included in your workflow, it is best to do so to make sure you have a good audit trail for the job.
Signature and Image fields are used as an alternative to the 'Sign & Photo' tool often when it is essential to capture a signature and photo for a job. These fields can have their permissions set as 'Required'. 'Required' fields must be completed before the final step for the job can be completed so this ensures a signature and/or photo are captured for audit purposes. Of course, these fields can also be used to capture Signatures and Photos, or add filles to a job, for other purposes too.
In this article
In this article we explain how to use both the 'Sign & Photo' tool and the 'Signature' and 'Image' fields.
Topics include:
- Capture a signature and photo using 'Sign & Photo'
- Why use a 'Signature' and 'Image' field instead of 'Sign & Photo'?
- Capture a signature in a 'Signature' field
- Capture a photo for a job in an 'Image' field
- Upload a saved image or PDF file in an 'Image' field
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Capture a signature and photo using 'Sign & Photo'
The Details screen has a button to capture a customer's signature and a photo as proof of delivery. This is a quick and easy tool to capture a photo and signature but it is not required to complete a job. This option most often used to capture proof of deivery where jobs have no fields.
To capture a photo and signature from the Details screen.
- Tap the Sign & Photo button to open the Sign and Photo screen.
π‘ Tip: you may need to scroll to the bottom of the screen to find this button. - Have the customer sign their name next to
on your device's screen. They can use their finger or a stylus (if your device has one) to do this.
- Tap the line labeled Name, under the customer's signature, and use the onscreen keyboard to enter the customer's name.
- You can also take a photo by tapping the photo icon found at the top of the screen.
- Take the photo and then confirm the photo selection by tapping Dismiss in the red banner.
- You are returned to the Sign and Photo screen. Tap
to save both the signature and the photo with the job.
- To view the captured signature and photo, tap the 'Sign & Photo' button. You'll see the captured signature and name.
Tap the photo thumbnail to see the photo. You can exit the photo by tapping 'Dimiss'.
Tapto exit the Sign and Photo screen.
Why use a 'Signature' and 'Image' field instead of 'Sign & Photo'?
Using a 'Signature' field with an 'Image' field in Fields is the best solution for capturing signatures and proof of delivery and condtion photos when:
- fields are already being used to manage other job information
- it is essential that you capture a signature or photo as proof of delivery and condition or other audit purposes.
A field's permission can be set to 'Required' in a job template. This means you must capture a signture or photo in the corresponding field before you can complete the final job step. If the field is required (must be completed to complete the job) it has a pink background.
Read on to learn how to use the 'Signature' and 'Image' fields in the vWork mobile app.
Capture a signature in a 'Signature' field
π Note: The name of the 'Image' field is determined when the job template is created. In this template the Image field is called 'Signed for'.
To capture a signature in a field:
- In the Fields screen, tap the 'Signature' field to open the Signature capture pop up.
π‘ Tip: you may need to tap to open a section to see the 'Signature' field.
In this example, the Signature field is called 'Signed for'. - Have the customer sign their name in the box on your device's screen. They can use their finger or a stylus (if your device has one) to do this.
- Tap in the 'Name' area and use the onscreen keyboard to enter the name of the person who signed. When have typed their name tap Done in the banner in the pop up.
- The captured signature and name of the person who signed are saved in the field along with a timestamp. You are returned to the 'Fields' screen where you can continue to complete other fields for the job.
- If needed, you can tap the 'Signature' field again to delete the signature and capture a replacement.
Capture a photo for a job in an 'Image' field
π Note: The name of the 'Image' field is determined when the job template is created. In this template the Image field is called 'Proof of Delivery'.
To capture a photo in an 'Image' field:
- In the Fields screen, tap the image field to open your device's camera in vWork.
π‘ Tip: The image field is identified with this icon,.
- Tap
to take the photo with your device's camera, (or tap 'Add' to upload a photo or PDF file already saved to your device - read more about this in the next topic).
- The photo is added to the 'Image' field.
- If needed, you can tap the 'Image' field again to delete the photo or take a new photo to replace the current photo.
Upload a saved image or PDF file in an 'Image' field
Sometimes you may be required to upload a file to an 'Image' field. Files must be saved on your device in a known location and may be any of these formats: .PDF, .jpg, .png.
To upload a file:
- Tap in the 'Image' field to the camera an other image cpature options screen.
In this example, we tap the required 'Compliance certificate' image field. - Tap Add to open the options for adding a file to vWork.
- Tap to select the option that you want to use to add your file.
In this example, we want to add a PDF file from the downloaded files we have stored on our device. We select 'Add A File'. - Tap to select the file you want to add to the 'Image' file.
π‘ Tip: You may need to browse to find the file on your device.
In this example, we tap 'Sample PDF File' showing in 'Recent'. - The file is added to the 'Image' field.
- If we want to see what it shows, or delete it, we tap the 'Image' field.
It will show the options for deleting, replacing or sharing the file beneath the thumbnail. To exit this view tap 'Done'.