If your vWork Admin has enabled it in your Mobile Permissions, you can create new jobs from the vWork mobile app from the vWork menu. Jobs are created by entering job information, such as the customer name and step addresses, into a job template. Job templates are unique to your organization and are designed to guide a team member through the correct steps to help them complete a job. The types of jobs you can create are defined by your vWork Admin in your user profie - you may have access to a selected range of job templates or all job templates that you can use to create jobs.
In this article
This article explains how to create a new job from the iOS vWork mobile app.
Topics include:
- Select a job template to create a new job
- Complete the customer information
- Change the job's 'Planned duration'
- Assign the job to a Group (optional)
- Assign the job to a Worker
- Set a scheduled start date and time
- Add an asset to the job (optional)
- Add the Step address(es)
- Complete the Field information
- Save and publish the job
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Select a job template to create a new job
You can create a new job from the vWork menu. Once you begin creating the job the first step is to select the job template you want to create the job in.
To create a job and select the job template:
- Tap
from the Jobs screen to open the vWork menu.
- Tap
on the menu to open the 'Job Templates' screen.
- Tap to select the template you want to use to create the job.
💡Tip: If you can't see the template you are looking for, start typing the template name into the 'Search...' field. This lists templates with the typed letters. For example, if I typed 'D' the four templates shown in this example are listed as they all have 'D' in their names. If I had typed 'S' only the bottom two templates would be listed. And, if I had typed 'Food' I would only see the first two templates for Food Delivery.
In this example, we select 'Standard Delivery' as the template to use for the job we are creating. - When you select a template the 'Create Work' screen opens with the selected template listed as the first item under the 'Job Details' section and the job template format loaded. This screen is where you now add the rest of the job information. What you can enter, and any pre-filled job information that shows, is defined by the job template you selected. The process for entering the Job information is explained in the following topics.
Complete the customer information
First, add the customer information. You can either use existing customer information or add a new customer to the job. We explain both of these methods.
Add an exsiting customer to the job
💡 Tip: When you select the option to add an existing customer and find you can only see customers that you currently have jobs scheduled for in your 'Jobs' screen, then the option to add an existing customer to a new job may have been disabled by your vWork Admin. You will need to create a new customer if you want to add a customer that doesn't show in the listed customers. See how to add a new customer in the next topic in this section.
To add an existing customer:
- Tap Customer in the 'Create Work' screen. This opens the 'Select Customer' screen.
- You can either:
- scroll and tap to select a customer,
- or start typing the customer's name into the search field at the top of the screen to find and then select the customer.
In this example, we select the customer 'Asher Burns'.
- The customer's address and other details are added to the job.
In this example, Asher Burns has a geocoded site address saved in their customer record. Thethat displays next to the customer's name in the Customer field identifies this.
Add a new customer when you create a job
If the customer is new and they don't have an existing record in vWork, you can add their details to the job using the 'New Customer' form. This creates a new customer record for them in vWork that can be used for future jobs.
To add a new customer:
- Tap Customer in the 'Create Work' screen. This opens the 'Select Customer' screen.
- Tap
in the red banner to ope the 'New Customer' screen.
- Enter the customer's details.
Change the job's 'Planned Duration'
You can adjust the template's default 'Planned duration'. This specifies how much time is planned for the job to be completed. This may differ from the actual time that it will take to complete the job.
In this example the 'Planned Duration' is 10 minutes.
To adjust the job's planned duration:
- In the Create Work screen, tap 'Planned Duration' to open the 'Duration' screen.
- In the Duration screen scroll to select the hours and mintues you expect the job to take.
- When you have adjusted the planned duration to show what you want, tap < Create Work in the red banner to return to the 'Create Work' screen.
In this example we adjust the Planned Duration from 10 minutes to 15 minutes and make no change to the hours.
Assign the job to a Group (optional)
💡 Tip: You will only have the option to assign to a Group if the Groups feature is added to vWork and the job template allows for this. You can't assign a job to a group that you don't belong to.
To assign the job to a Group:
- In the Create Work screen, tap 'Group' to open the 'Group' screen.
- Tap to select the Group you want to assign the job to.
In this example, we have two groups we can choose between. We tap to select 'Delivery'. - Once you select a group you are returned to the 'Create Work' screen where you will see the selected Group.
Assign the job to a worker
By default the iOS vWork app assigns the user creating the job as the worker for the job. If you want the job that you are creating assigned to you, you don't need to do anything. If you prefer to assign it to someone else you can do that from the 'Worker' screen.
💡 Tip: You are only able to assign jobs to workers that belong to the group the job is assigned to and that you have been given permission to assign jobs to in your user profile.
To assign a the job to another worker:
- In the Create Work screen, tap 'Worker ' to open the 'Worker ' screen.
- Tap the worker you want to assign the job to.
💡 Tip: You will notice a checkmark next to your name as the worker currently assigned to the job. This will move to the newly assigned worker after you select them.
In this example, we tap to select 'Laurie Driver' as the worker we want to assign the job to.
Set a scheduled start date and time
The start time for the job will default to the moment you finalize creating the job in the vWork menu. You can adjust this in the 'Start Time' screen.
To adjust the Start Time for the job:
- In the Create Work screen, tap 'Start Time' to open the 'Start Time' screen.
- Tap to select a date from the calender.
In this example, we have selected March 7. - Tap to select a time using the time picker.
In this example, we selected 8:30 am. - When you have selected you preferred scheduled start date and time, tap < Create Work in the red banner to return to the 'Create Work' screen.
Add an asset to the job (optional)
You will only have the option to add an Asset if this option feature is added to your vWork account.
To add an Asset to a job:
- In the Create Work screen, tap 'Asset' to open the 'Asset' screen.
- Tap the search field to view all available assets.
- You can then choose to tap an asset to select it an asset from those listed, or start typing the assets name to narrow the potiential options for you to select from.
In this example, we tapped the search field then begain typing the asset's name before tapping to select the asset. - The asset is added to the job and you are returned to the 'Create Work' screen where the asset shows in the 'Assets' section.
Add the Step address(es)
You can add a geolocated step address to one or more steps. When a step is geolocated it is visible on the Map for the job and can be navigated to using your device's navigation app that you can open from the step or the from the job's individual Map.
💡Tip: You may need to scroll the screen to see all steps.
To add a geolocated step address:
- Under the 'Steps' heading, tap the step that you want to add the address to. This opens the 'Location' screen that displasys a map.
In this example, we tap the second step, 'Arrival'. - In the 'Location' screen your position shows as a blue circle
Tap your preferred method to add an address from the map to the seleted step:
- the tools at the bottom of the screen are used add a known address to the step.
You can select from the customer's site address, an added asset's address
, or your current location
- the red banner has a tool for dropping a pin to add a step address
- the crosshairs show where the pin will be dropped
You can move the map to locate the crosshairs over where you want to drop a pin.
- the tools at the bottom of the screen are used add a known address to the step.
- In this example, we tapped the Asset's address to add this to the job step. A pin is dropped at the asset's address, it is centred in the screen under the crosshairs and the address is entered at the top of the screen.
- Tap '< Create Work' in the red banner to add the address to the step and return to the 'Create Work' screen.
Complete the Field information
If required, complete fields for the worker who will complete this job. Most often this is 'read only' information that provides additional job information that will assist the assigned worker to complete a job step or field.
💡 Tip: Fields are added under the 'Custom Fields' section of the screen. You may need to scroll to see this.
To complete a field:
- Tap in the field and enter the information required by the field type. This may be text, a picklist, a number or other value.
In this example, we will add a remark in an optional text field. - The selected field opens.
Enter the field information and tap '< Create Work' in the red banner to add the information to the field and return the 'Create Work screen'.
Save and publish the job
Once you have entered all the job information you can save it and, if a worker has been assigned to the job, publish it.
To save the job:
- Tap Create in the red banner in the 'Create Work' screen.
- You are notified that the job has been created and given the option to create a new job.
- Tap No to return to the 'Jobs' screen
- Tap Yes to create another job using the same job information that you added to the previous job. Edit the pre-populated information as needed.
🔔Note: The job may not be instantly uploaded and published when you tap Create. The job is published the next time the vWork mobile app syncs with the vWork server. This is influenced by several factors including how strong your data connection is and how much job information you have added to the job. Jobs with lots of data take longer to sync and use more mobile data when you are not connected to Wi-Fi.
We have more information about syncing your iOS vWork mobile app in the article, iOS: sync vWork mobile app job information with the vWork server.
If you have a good data connection you can manually sync your vWork mobile app at any time to update job information.