The Jobs List in the Jobs tab provides an overview of all Jobs in vWork. You can filter the jobs listed in the Jobs List so you can see the specific jobs that you are interested in and hide the rest.
In this article
This article explains how to apply filters to the Jobs List so you can focus on the jobs you are interested in.
Topics include:
- Apply a time filter
- Include and exclude Unplanned and Overdue jobs
- Apply search filters
- Good to know when using Filters
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Apply a time filter
Time filters are used to filter jobs by a specific time period. vWork has five quick time filter options for you to select from, and also gives you the option to filter by a custom time period.
By default, when you click the Jobs tab the Jobs List displays all of today's jobs. You can see this selected in the time filter options.
To apply a time filter:
- Click the time filter that you want to use:
- All - shows all jobs saved in vWork.
- Today - shows jobs with scheduled or actual start times for the current day.
- Tomorrow - shows all jobs with scheduled start times for tomorrow.
- This week - shows all jobs with scheduled or actual start times in the current week where the week starts at 12:00 am Sunday morning and finishes at 11:59:59 pm the following Saturday evening.
- This month - shows all jobs with scheduled or actual start times in the current month.
- Custom - shows all jobs with scheduled or actual start times within the time range you select.
- Once you select a time filter, the view of the Jobs List refreshes to show jobs that fall in the selected period and it hides jobs outside the time period.
Include and exclude Unplanned and Overdue jobs
Unless you select the All time filter, Unplanned and Overdue jobs are excluded from the jobs shown in the Jobs List.
You can choose to include Unplanned and Overdue jobs in the Jobs List by adding a checkmark in the checkbox for these options.
Unplanned jobs
- Unplanned jobs don't have a scheduled start time.
- Jobs won't have a scheduled start time if you don't assign a worker or a start time at the time a job is created.
- A start time is automatically added to a job the moment a worker is assigned to it; i.e, a job that is unplanned becomes a planned job when a worker is assigned.
To include jobs that don't have a planned start time in the Jobs List:
- Click the Unplanned checkbox to add a checkmark.
- Once selected, the Jobs List refreshes to include jobs without a planned start time.
Overdue jobs
- Overdue jobs haven't been started (had the first step completed) by their scheduled start time.
- Overdue jobs can have a status of Draft, Unpublished, Pending, Assigned, or Declined.
- Overdue jobs don't need to have a worker assigned to them but must have a start time that has now past.
To show jobs not yet started that have scheduled start times before the time period selected in the time filter:
- Click the Overdue checkbox to add a checkmark.
- Once selected, the jobs list refreshes to include jobs that were scheduled to start but weren't started before the period defined by the selected time filter.
Apply search filters
There are many additional filters you can apply to the Jobs List. You'll find a selectable list of these when you click in the Search field. You can filter the Jobs List using several search filters at one time. This can be targeted to show very specific jobs and will hide jobs that aren't of interest to you.
Apply Search filters by typing in the Search field
You can type directly into the Search field to find a specific job, jobs for a specific customer, or jobs by template, among other things.
To apply a Search filter by typing in the Search field:
- Click in the Search field and begin typing your search criteria.
- Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm your search.
In this example, we want to search for all jobs the worker, Laurie Driver, has worked on. We have typed "Laurie" in the Search field and pressed Enter. A list of all possible search results shows grouped by category. - Click to select the correct Search filter.
In this example, we click to select Laurie Driver from the list of Search results. - Laurie Driver is added to the Search field and the Jobs List refreshes to only show jobs that Laurie Driver has worked on. We can add additional filters if we want to.
Apply Search filters by selecting from the Search filter menu
To apply search filters to the Jobs List:
- Click the Search field to show the list of filters you can select from.
- Click to select a filter you want to apply.
In this example, we click to select the Template filter. This opens a list of our saved templates. From the list, we click to select Freight: Last Mile. - The selected filter is added to the Search field as a blue box and the list of Search filters remains for you to select another filter. The Jobs List also refreshes to show only jobs that match the selected filter.
- Click and add as many Search filters as you like. Each filter added will refresh the jobs list with the new filter applied in addition to the previously selected filters.
- When you have added all the filters you want to use click outside the Search field to hide the list of filters.
Good to know when using Filters
Applied Filters are remembered
Once applied, the filters remain in the Jobs List until you open a new session of vWork. This means when you:
- click to open another tab in vWork, and then click the Jobs tab to return to it, the Filters you selected will still be there.
- log out of vWork and log in again, or open a new session of vWork concurrently, the Jobs list will revert to the default, and the filters you selected no longer apply.
Searching with Groups enabled
Groups is an optional feature in vWork. It is off by default unless you have it added to your account.
When Groups is added to your account the Job's search only shows jobs that relate to the group that you are logged in to. You can filter jobs to show jobs for other groups that you have access to.
To show jobs for multiple groups in addition to the group you are logged into:
- Click the Search bar and click Groups to show all groups you have access to.
- Click to select the additional groups you want to see the jobs for. These are added to the Search bar and the Jobs list refreshes with jobs from those groups in addition to the group you are logged into.
To show jobs from all groups you have access to:
- Click to select Any from the Groups filter.
Too many search filters used to see them all in the Search field
If you have a lot of filters applied in the Search field there may not be room to display them all. In this instance, you will see a Search field that looks like this.
To view the Search filters you have applied:
- Hover the cursor over this icon
in the Search field to show the filters in a list.
Remove a Search filter
To remove a Search filter so that it no longer applies to the Jobs List:
- Click
in the Search filter box.
Create a Favorite Job Search filter
You can create Favorite Job Searchs that automatically apply filters to the Jobs List. These are useful to quickly add a selection of filters that you use on a regular basis. You can find out all you want to know about Job Search Favorites in the article, Create and use a Favorite job search.