The Customer Portal Map enables you to view your booked jobs on a Map. The Map shows the job's location and status in real-time.
In this article
Topics in this article include:
- View all 'Started' jobs
- View an individual job
- View more Job Information
- Why doesn't my job show on the map?
Click a link from the topic list above to go to that topic. You can return to this list by clicking this icon:
View all 'Started' jobs
To open the Map and see all 'Started' jobs and then select the job you want to view:
- Click on the 'Map' tab in the Customer Portal.
You will see all jobs listed that have geocoded addresses and that have been started.
- Click a job from the listed jobs to see it on the Map.
You can zoom in and out and drag the Map to change what you can see.
The the worker or driver who is assigned to your looks like this:
🔔 Note: For privacy reasons our displayed accuracy of the worker location is approximate to within 500m. We are also unable to show the worker location if they turn off location tracking on their device.
The location of the job address shows as a triangle. It looks like this and also tells you some information about the job.
View an individual job
To view the Map for a job, regardless of its Status:
- From the 'Jobs' tab click open the Map.
View more Job Information
You can expand the job information tab, on the right, to see the job details.
Why doesn't my job show on the map?
Your job addresses must be geocoded to show on the Map. When an address is geocoded it displays this symbol in the step address. The job also displays this icon on the Jobs tab under the actions. You can click this icon to open the Map and see the job.
Geocoded address have laitude and longtitude coordinates saved with them which enables Google maps to find their coordinates on the Map. You can make your job address geocoded by selecting the address from the list of addresses presented when you start typing an address when creating a job.
We have more detailed information on geocoding and map addresses in an article here.