Steps are the foundation of all jobs; they outline the main tasks required to complete a job from start to finish. Every job must have steps. When you complete the first step it starts the job, and when you complete the last step the job status in vWork changes to 'Completed'. The time that passes between completing the first and last step is captured and recorded with each job
When a step has an address saved with it this is called a 'Step Address'. A Step Address can be geocoded; this means it has a location on a map that you can navigate to in the vWork mobile app.
In this article
This article explains how to complete steps in the vWork mobile app and use a geocoded 'Step Address' to navigate to a location where a step will be completed.
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View job steps
Steps are viewed and completed in the Steps screen.
To open the Steps screen you must first have accepted a job (if 'Accept and Decline' is enabled in your vWork account) and have opened it from the Jobs screen to display the job's Details screen.
From the job's Details screen, there are two ways to open the Steps for the job:
- Tap into the Steps screen from the red banner to open the steps for the job, OR
- Tap the 'Step' section in the job's Details screen to open the job's Steps screen.
Note: You can see the step label in the steps area. As you complete each step the STEP x/n progresses to show you which step you are up to in the job. In this example, you are at Step 2 of 3. This shows as STEP2/3.
Complete a step
Steps are completed in the Steps screen, or they can be quickly completed directly in the Details screen. We explain both methods below.
💡 Tip: before you tap to complete a step, make sure you have completed all the fields for that step in the jobs's Fields screen.
Complete a step in the Steps screen
The step that you are working on has a Teal background.
To complete a step:
- Open the Steps screen.
- Tap the step. The Teal background moves to the next step as this becomes the active step.
The step you tapped changes its background to Gray and displays the 'completed at' time and a red checkmark to show it is now completed.
In this example, we tapped 'En route'. This step is now completed and 'Arrival' is now the active step. It displays the Teal background.
🔔 Note: Steps that are still to be started and aren't active have a White background. In this example, 'Deliver' is still to be started and is not the active step.
Complete a step from the Details screen
You can also complete a step directly from the Details screen without opening the Steps screen.
To complete a step from the Details screen:
- Tap in the Steps area of the Details screen.
Each time you tap the current step is completed. You can see what step you are up to in the Steps section on the screen by looking at the 'x/y' step count (e.g., 2/3 - step 2 of 3).
In this example, we are up to 'Arrival'. When we tap 'Arrival' is completed and we see the next step displayed in this section of the Details screen.
Uncomplete a step in the Steps screen
If you complete a step by mistake you can reverse the step completion.
💡 Tip: you can only ucomplete the step before the active step. If you need to uncomplete multiple steps you must do this is reverse order to the order you completed them in.
To uncomplete a step:
- Hold your finger on the step.
In this example, to uncomplete the 'Arrival' step and make this the active step, press and hold 'Arrival' until the step changes color from Gray to Teal.