The Alerts feature is a standard feature in vWork. Alerts enable you to generate and send in-app notifications, emails, and SMS messages to almost anyone when a trigger is activated by a job activity or event in your vWork account.
Alerts sent by email include tokens that customize the alert to the job and customer.
This is an example of tokens used to add customized information to an email alert message.
Related articles
- The article How to set up an Alert explains how to add tokens to email alerts.
- The article What can trigger an Alert? explains the alert type options (alert triggers) you can select to trigger an alert. Some tokens work best with specific alert triggers. Alert triggers and tokens are closely related. It is helpful to read about Alert triggers to better understand how to use Alert tokens.
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In this article
This article describes all alert tokens that can be added to email alert messages. Tokens are grouped in categories of similar tokens in the settings for the alert.
In this article, we list and explain the tokens by category.
Topics include:
- Alert Details
- Customer Details
- Job Details
- Worker Details
- Times
- Quotes
- Health and Safety
- SMS Details
Note: All tokens are explained in this article, but you will only see tokens in your vWork account that apply to the standard vWork alert triggers and to the optional features you have added. Some tokens only become available for selection once an alert trigger is chosen.
You can click the category link above to find out about all tokens in the selected category.
To return to this topic list click this icon - you’ll find it at the end of each topic.
Alert Details
Account Name: The name of your vWork account - usually your business name. This is set when we create your account. If you need this changed, please contact
Alert Name: The name you gave the alert in the alert settings; eg; Food Delivery ETA.
Creator Name: The name of the person who created the alert - normally a vWork administrator.
Dispatcher Email: The Work email address of the dispatcher responsible for the job.
Dispatcher Name: The vWork user name of the dispatcher responsible for the job.
Dispatcher Phone: The vWork user phone number for the dispatcher responsible for the job.
Group Name: The name of the Group that the job that triggers the alert is associated with. This only applies if you have the Groups feature enabled in your vWork account.
Customer Details
Customer Billing Contact First Name: The name that is saved in the First name field for the Customer Billing Contact in the customer’s record.
Customer Name: The name that is saved in the Name field in the customer’s record. This shouldn’t be confused with the Customer Site Contact information. This is often (but not always) a company name.
Customer Site Address: The address saved in the Site Address field in the Customer Site Contact information in the customer’s record.
Customer Site Contact First Name: The name that is saved in the First name field for the Customer Site Contact in the customer’s record.
Customer Site email: The email address that is saved with the Customer Site Contact information in the customer’s record.
Note: customers can have more than one email address saved in this field. Where there is more than one email address the email alert is sent to all of them.
Customer Site Mobile Number: The mobile phone number that is saved with the Customer Site Contact information in the customer’s record.
Portal Access URL: A link to the URL address for your customer portal. You can only use this token if you have the Portal feature enabled in your vWork account.
Portal Name: The name of your customer portal. You can only use this token if you have the Portal feature enabled in your vWork account.
Portal User Name: The user name of your customer portal user. You can only use this token if you have the Portal feature enabled in your vWork account.
Job Details
Custom Field: Click this and then select a token for a custom field that you want to show in the alert message. Make sure the custom field token you select is relevant to the templates that the alert is applied to. Nothing will show in the email message for this token if there is no job data saved in your chosen custom field.
Steps: You can select a step-related token from the drop-down list of step-token options. There are two choices for each step. You can choose either the step label or the step address by step number. For example, if you want to show information for step 2 on your job you could add the Step 2 Address token and the Step 2 Label token to your email message.
Asset Display ID: The vWork asset ID. You can only use this token if you have the Assets feature enabled in your vWork account.
Asset Name: The name of the asset in vWork. You can only use this token if you have the Assets feature enabled in your vWork account.
Invoice Subtotal: The subtotal that shows on the invoice tab in the job. This is most useful if the alert is sent after all line items have been included in a job, like a job completed alert.
Invoice Total: The total that shows on the invoice tab in the job. This is most useful if the alert is sent after all line items have been included in a job, like a job completed alert.
Job Actual Mileage (km/miles): You can use this token if you have enabled the EROAD integration with your vWork account. This shows the actual mileage as recorded by the EROAD device. It is best used for alerts sent after the job is completed; eg, the Job Completed alert.
Job Estimated Mileage (km/miles): This provides the estimated mileage for a job based on geocoded job steps and the settings you have in your vWork account. This may be the default Straight-line method for calculating mileage or the optional Google Maps planned route method.
Note: If you have an EROAD integration with vWork you are best to use the Job Actual Mileage token.
Job ID: The unique vWork ID for the job. This is assigned to the job when it is created.
Job Status: The status of the job as it shows on the schedule and the job list. The alert email message will include the job status at the time the alert is triggered.
Job URL: The URL link to the job in vWork. Anyone logged into your vWork account can use this link to quickly open the job. This token is most useful for alerts sent to your employees who have logins for the vWork web app.
POD Photo: The photo and/or signature captured using the Sign & Photo option in the job’s Details screen in the vWork mobile app.
Note: This is not the same as a photo or signature captured in the custom fields. To add photos and signatures from custom fields use the Custom Field token.
Signature Name: The name of the person entered in the Sign & Photo option from the job’s Details screen in the vWork mobile app.
Signature Time: The actual date and time a signature and/or name of the person who signs is captured in the Sign & Photo option from the job’s Details screen in the vWork mobile app.
Template Name: The name of the template used to create the job.
Worker Details
Equipment: Select up to 3 items of equipment to add to an alert. You can label the equipment by ID, name, notes, serial number, and model. Equipment is added to the alert in the order it is added to a job; for example, if the first item of equipment you add to a job is a mobile crane, this will be represented by the Equipment 1 tokens.
Worker Name: The name of the person assigned to complete the job as it is saved in their user profile.
Worker Phone Number: The mobile number of the person assigned to complete the job as it is saved in their user profile.
Worker Notes: The notes about a worker that are saved in their User settings in their User Details.
Actual Start Time: The time the first step on the job is completed.
Deadline Time: The date and time set as the deadline for a job to be completed. You can only use this option if you have the Deadline feature enabled for your account.
Job Canceled Time: The date and time a job is canceled.
Job Completed Time: The date and time the last step in a job is completed.
Job Created Time: The date and time a job is created in vWork. This is not always when a job is published.
Job Paused Time: This works with the Job Paused Too Long alert type. It shows the last time the job was paused.
Job Published Time: The time a job is assigned to a worker by a dispatcher and shows on the worker’s vWork mobile app.
Job Started Time: The time and date that the first step of the job is completed.
Job Updated Time: The last time the job was updated. This includes changes made in both the mobile app and the web app.
Scheduled End Time: The time that the job is scheduled to end. This is calculated by adding the job’s estimated duration to the Scheduled Start Time.
Scheduled Start Time (Date): The date the job is scheduled to start excluding the year; eg. 12th July.
Scheduled Start Time (Day of the week): The day of the week the job is scheduled to start; eg., Tuesday.
Scheduled Start Time (Morning/Afternoon/Evening): The portion of the day the job is scheduled to start where:
- Morning = midnight to noon
- Afternoon = noon to 6 pm
- Evening = 6 pm to midnight.
Scheduled Start Time (Time): The time of the day the job is scheduled to start; eg., 10:18 AM.
💡Tip: It can be useful to combine the start time tokens to display more information about the scheduled start of a job; eg., to see 10:18 AM, Tuesday, 12th July enter the tokens in this format:
Quote Completed Time: The time and date at which a quote was completed. This can be used with all quote alert types.
Quote Approved At: This is used with the Quote Approved by Customer alert type. It shows the time and date at which a quote is approved in vWork.
Quote Declined At: This is used with the Quote Declined by Customer alert type. It shows The time and date at which a quote is declined in vWork.
Quote Expired At: The time and date at which a quote expired when it was not approved or declined within the required time frame.
Quote Expires On: The date and time that a quote expires and can no longer be approved or declined. This does not have a link to the quote attached to it. It is useful to remind a dispatcher to contact the customer about the quote before it expires.
Health and Safety
You can only use these alert tokens when the optional Health & Safety feature is added to and enabled in your account.
Tag Name: The name of a Health & Safety tag. This is used with the User Tag Expires in alert type. You can use this token if you have Health & Safety optional feature added to your vWork account.
Tag Expires: The date a Tag expires. This is used with the User Tag Expires in alert type. You can use this token if you have Health & Safety optional feature added to your vWork account.
SMS Details
You can see and use these tokens when you select the Customer SMS Response Received alert trigger. This trigger is used with the optional Three-way Messaging feature.
Incoming SMS Message: The message that the customer sends via SMS message in response to an SMS alert that they have received.
Incoming SMS Number: The mobile number that the SMS message was sent from.