There may be occasions when you want to send email and SMS alerts to a contact associated with an Asset. This contact may not be the same as a customer contact.
vWork enables you to set up any alert to be sent to an Asset Contact independently of, or in addition to, other alert recipients. The Asset Contact’s name and contact email address or mobile number are saved with the Asset.
In this article
This article explains how to set up an alert to include an Asset Contact as an Alert Recipient and how to add the Asset Contact’s details to an Asset.
Topics include:
- Overview of the steps to set up an Alert for an Asset Contact
- Set up an alert to send to an Asset Contact
- Add an Asset Contact to an Asset
- Create a job that sends an alert to an Asset Contact
- Related articles
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Overview of the steps to set up an Alert for an Asset Contact
To make sure Asset Contacts can receive alerts you must first have the Asset Contact add-on turned on in vWork. There is no additional cost for this. Our support team can do this for you, email
The process to set up an Asset Contact to receive alerts involves three steps:
- Set up an Alert that includes the ‘Asset Contact’ as an email recipient, SMS recipient or both. When the alert is saved new fields are added to the Asset where the Asset Contact’s details can be added.
- Add the Asset Contact’s details to the corresponding asset.
- Add the Asset to a job or job template. When the alert is triggered for the job the Asset is linked to the Asset Contact will receive the alert.
We explain what you need to do for each of these in the following topics
Set up an Alert to send to an Asset Contact
The first step to have alerts sent to Asset Contacts is to add an Asset Contact to an alert as an email recipient, SMS recipient or both.
To set up the alert and add an Asset Contact:
- Set up the alert of your choice. The article, Set up an Alert, explains how to create an alert.
- In the Alert Setup page for the selected alert, when you come to selecting the ‘Alert Recipient’, either email, SMS or both, click to add a checkmark next to Send to Asset Contact.
- Make sure you save the Alert setup; click ‘Create’ or ‘Update’.
Add an Asset Contact to an Asset
After you have created an alert that includes an Asset Contact as an alert recipient, you will see a new section added to all your assets called ‘Asset Alert Recipients’. This is where you save the Asset Contact’s details so they can receive the alerts triggered for them.
To add the Asset Contact to the Asset so they can receive alerts:
- Go to Assets > Assets List and click to open the asset details page for the Asset you want to add the Asset Contact to.
💡 Tip: If you want to find out how to set up an asset please read the article, Set up Assets in vWork.
- In the asset details page, scroll down to the 'Asset Alert Recipients' section.
The fields you see in this section depend on the Alert Recipient types you selected when setting up the alert (or alerts) for the Asset Contact. If you select both email and SMS alerts you will see fields for adding the Asset Contact to both these alert types.
- For an 'email alert', add the Asset Contact’s name in the Name field and their email address in the Email address field.
- For an 'SMS alert', add the Asset Contact’s name in the Name field, select the country code for their mobile number in the Country code field, and enter their mobile phone number, excluding the country code prefix, in the Phone number field.
- For an 'email alert', add the Asset Contact’s name in the Name field and their email address in the Email address field.
- When you are done updating the asset details click
to save the Asset with the newly added Asset Contact.
💡 Tip: If you remove the Asset Contact for all alerts the Asset Contact details saved with Asset are retained but the 'Asset Alert Recipients' section is hidden in the Asset details page. When you add the checkmark to an Asset Contact as an Alert Recipient in another alert, this section is no longer hidden and you are able to see and edit the Asset Contacts details.
Create a job that sends an alert to an Asset Contact
Once an Asset Contact is saved with the Asset any job that is created with that Asset added to it will send an alert to the Asset Contact as an email or SMS when the alert is triggered.
Related articles
- The article Set up an Alert explains how to go about setting up an alert.
- The artilce Set up Assets in vWork explains how to add your assets to vWork.