The Schedule in vWork currently runs best with less than 500 - 1000 active jobs.
Every job shown on the vWork schedule needs to be loaded into the memory of your browser, so large amounts of jobs can slow things right down on your computer.
There are several ways to avoid this below:
1. Split work up into groups with our Groups feature. Each group gets its own schedule so this simplifies the vWork schedule.
2. Ensure old declined or open jobs are canceled so they drop off the schedule.
3. Optimize work so it is only booked into the schedule 2-3 weeks ahead, or use our Repeating Jobs feature to schedule these automatically. (You can set the time when you want the jobs to be created.)
4. Use alerts to email reminders for jobs that are not started and have past their start time - this helps to chase up and ensure no jobs are forgotten.
Below is an example of almost too many jobs on the schedule. You can view all of your jobs together to get an idea of how many you have loaded: