When you first view workers on the Schedule workers are displayed in aphabetical order from A to Z. You can quickly and easily customize the order that you view workers to suit what works best for you. The customized order is retained for the next time you view the Schedule .
Customize worker order on the Schedule
To customize the worker order:
- Click on the worker that you want to move and hold the mouse button down.
- Drag the worker to where you want them in the worker list and release the mouse button.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 to move other workers to where you want them in the worker list.
š” Tips
- If you are using vWork Groups, when you switch groups the Schedule remembers the last order used by you and displays workers in this order.
- The Schedule displays workers in the order used by each dispatcher. Different dispatchers can have different orders.
- All new workers are added to the top of the worker list in the Schedule so the dispatcher can easily find them and move them to where they want them on the worker list.
Sort workers alphabetically
It is easy to quickly display workers in either ascending or descending alphabetical order using the 'Sort Workers' button. This is useful when you:
- want to quickly sort workers into alphabetical order after adding several new workers to the Schedule .
- have arranged workers in a customized order and want to revert to an alphabetical order
- have a customized order that no longer works and you want to begin from an easy starting point to set up a new customized worker order.
To sort workers alphabetically:
- Click
once to display workers in ascending alphabetical order (A to Z).
- Click
a second time to display workers in descending alphabetical order (Z to A).
ā Caution: If you have used a custoimized worker order on the Schedule and then revert back to displaying workers in alphabetical order you lose the customized order. You must recreate the customized order manually if this was the order you prefer.